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A Day in the Life of My Stomach

When changing my lifestyle to a healthier one the biggest challenge I seemed to face was how to feed myself healthy in between meals. Also, as you might be able to tell, I am not one of those people who believes that eating healthy means eating plain food with zero flavor. I see a lot of stuff about the perception of eating healthy and sometimes that diet seems to consist of boiled chicken, plain tilapia with asparagus with no seasonings or added flavor - I don't believe in eating like that unless you truly like that BECAUSE if you don't enjoy it, it isn't a sustainable lifestyle change.

My idea of eating healthy is eating food that offers nutrients to your body while enjoying the natural flavors many foods have to offer. It's true I rarely use salt, but that's because I think fresh basil or lemon brings flavors out better and are a healthy alternative to salting my food. This post is going to give an outline of what my eating looks like because I think it might be helpful for those looking for snacks through-out the day! Just to give context: I work at a desk 4-5 days a week for about 8-10 hours with meetings here and there. I believe that depending on your job it might be hard to fit snacking in, but think about ways you can to keep your metabolism going!

6am : Wake up and drink a glass of water

Breakfast: Black coffee, 3-4 scrambled eggs with salsa (homemade) and possibly avocado

Arrive to work (7-8am) : 2 hardboiled eggs & Shakeology

Mid morning snack (10am): Oatmeal with frozen blueberries, black coffee

Lunch: Shredded chicken with rice, beans & bell peppers

Afternoon snack (2pm): Snack box consisting of a slice of ham, handful of nuts/dried raspberries, a slice of cheddar cheese, a spoonful of hummus

Another snack: 1 cup of cottage cheese

Evening snack (4pm): greek yogurt with granola/strawberries

Dinner (8pm): Porkchops with potatoes and corn on the cobb

Before bed snack: Shakeology or a slice of cheese and a banana

This is what my typical day looks like with regards to food, but I wanted to give a few helpful notes!

First for my coffee I used to have trouble drinking it black so I started buying my own coffee beans and grinding them up in my vitamix. Picking my own beans and grinding them helped me find flavors that I liked that wouldn't require additional milk/sugar as well as controlling the strength of the coffee by using a french press.

For my oatmeal I used gluten-free rolled oats and mix it with coconut milk. I think oatmeal is one of the healthiest snacks you can have because it is filling, tasty and is recommended to heart patients because it actuallys UNCLOGS your arteries! I think that eating oatmeal everyday is one of the best food decisions you could make.

Think about what snacks you can take with you to work and what you would enjoy eating. If you have a hard time eating that often set a timer for yourself and then make yourself snack to speed up your metabolism. I think snacking is important to speed up your metabolism and also help give you energy through-out the day. Snacking is good to because it helps your muscle recover quicker as well as build quicker because it is constantly being fueled with nutrients.

I hope this post is helpful and if there is any feedback for me with regards to what would be helpful to show on this list please reach out to me!


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