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Coaching: Passion Paired With Knowledge

What is that saying again, success is the intersection of planning and passion..something like that. I'd like to think that a similar philosophy could be adopted for Beachbody coaching. This post is going to cover why I think Beachbody coaching has changed my life for the better and why I am looking to grow my team of coaches!

I like helping people, I am always eager to give advice and I am so passionate about spreading my knowledge with others. I always thought I would make a good executive assistant because I would get to run their life behind the scenes. I have had many struggles in my life and I won't go too much into depth with it, because no one likes someone on a soap box, but my struggles of choosing to move out of my house at 17 to get a better life, my struggles of getting into college but graduating with 2 degrees, my struggles with having trust issues and many more have taught me one thing: I feel confident & fulfilled when I am helping others.

I got very active in community service at 17 after I left my house and have been in love with it ever since. Helping people always empowered me and made me feel like I had a purpose. Joining Beachbody as a coach gives me the exact same feeling. I still work full time as a financial analyst and would love to be an economist one day, but I still have the burning desire to help improve other people's lives.

Being a coach means I get to build people up and give them tools to creating healthy habits, a rocking body, and a joyful spirit. I love being someone that my challengers can turn to for support, advice and just someone that can cheer them on. Before I became a coach I was already helping people meal plan or giving out fitness advice, but Beachbody has given me the tools to take it to the next level! I also am surrounded by such positive women that my heart is always so full.

Being a coach has helped me change lives as well as earn income for doing it! The income I earn goes directly to paying for my shakeology as well as my in-law's! I want my in-laws (who are in their 60s) to have a healthy quality of life and so I want to earn this extra income in order to invest in their health and future. So many coaches I work with use the extra income to pay debt and even live off of, the possibilities are limitless.

Now that I have been a coach and grown a client base that I love I want to grow my own team. I want to have people join me in helping people. Being a coach also makes me more accountable for my workouts and healthy eating because I have others counting on me!

I am looking for 5 women to help me lead challenge groups and inspire others! You don't need to be an expert in nutrition or a body builder, you just need to be someone who wants to learn about health & fitness as well as teach it to others! I have a great team of ladies that have taught me so much and are willing to share their depth of knowledge.

What does coaching mean to me? It means being fulfilled & satisfied at the end of everyday.

If you want to join my team, please fill out the form at the link below, thank you!

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